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Información general

Localidad: Sabanilla, Atlantico, Colombia

Teléfono: +57 5 3885020

Dirección: Km 5 vía Sabanilla Sabanilla, Atlantico, Colombia

Sitio web: www.marymountbq.edu.co

Seguidores: 3097


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Marymount School Barranquilla 07.10.2021

The health and well-being of our families is everyone's responsibility. Parents, take care of your children and teach them how to take care of themselves #MarymountCares #LeadersEducatingLeaders

Marymount School Barranquilla 07.10.2021

Our #StudentCouncil students are ready to serve with pride, lead with confidence and inspire others to transform ideas into actions. We officially present our STUCO 2020-2021 #MarymountLeaders High School Lucia De La Hoz, Personera Zafit Olea, President... José Francisco Díaz, Vice President Carlos Sales, Student Representative Alejandro Escorcia, Treasurer Elementary David Visbal, President Alejandro Villa, Vice President Sebastian Barrera, Secretary

Marymount School Barranquilla 07.10.2021

The Leaders Spotlight Entrepreneurial leadership is characterized by the ability to transform ideas into actions, an attribute that we seek to develop in our Marymount leaders. Isabella Mejía, a 12th grade student, is one of those leaders who has taken advantage of the time during the pandemic to develop ideas for younger students. This is how she created the Eagle Readers Book Club, a space for Elementary and Middle School students to share the love for reading. When I ...was younger, I didn't love to read that much, but spaces like these allowed me to start loving it and today I consider it to be one of the best gifts Marymount has given me, says Isabella. "Future Marymount leaders deserve to have a creative space to develop their reading skills naturally." It is an initiative created by students for students, supported by the school, to promote a culture of reading among the children. Isabella has also been part of the MUN Club for 8 years and currently holds her dream position, Secretary-General. She is also a member of Interact and the National Honor Society, and dreams of studying Law, International Relations and Philosophy once she graduates in 2021. Keep going Isabella! *If you want to participate in the "Eagle Readers Book Club" sign up through the MACC website. #LeadersEducatingLeaders

Marymount School Barranquilla 04.10.2021

Octubre, Mes del Santo Rosario Durante este mes invitamos a nuestras familias Marymount a unirse para celebrar el Mes del Santo Rosario. Tendremos un hermoso ‘challenge’ con nuestros estudiantes y así gozaremos juntos de la presencia de Jesús y María para poner todas nuestras intenciones y las del mundo entero a sus pies. #LeadersEducatingLeaders #SHERRLifestyle

Marymount School Barranquilla 01.10.2021

There’s nothing like going back to that place you miss the most to fill up your heart with joy and happiness We’re counting the days to see our students and staff members again! Be safe and stay healthy, keep taking care! We are aware, #MarymountCares