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Hosting in Medellín 08.10.2021

St Patrick's in La Pascasia https://facebook.com/events/s/fiesta-de-san-patricio-en-mede/3066681660062983/

Hosting in Medellín 07.10.2021

You can watch plays online from home #EnjoyTheQuarantine

Hosting in Medellín 06.10.2021

"Cuenteros" or "Story tellers" just for you, just today

Hosting in Medellín 04.10.2021

Since we can't get out, let's bring the party home. The link is in the event. Enjoy the #CuarentenaPorLaVida

Hosting in Medellín 01.10.2021

A map of the cases of #COVID-19 in Medellin. Stay home so we don't spray the virus https://mobile.twitter.com/QuinteroC//1243277405080428545